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Dhyanalinga, Isha Yoga Center, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu

Dhyanalinga was consecrated by Sadhguru on 24 June 1999, after three years of an intense process of prana pratishtha – a pure energy process wherein the energies of all seven chakras are raised to the peak and locked to prevent dissipation over time. On 23 November 1999, Dhyanalinga was offered to the world.

You can go close, make offering to the Dhyanalinga. You can sit and meditate next to the dhyanalinga.

How to Get There
The Isha Yoga Center is situated 30 kilometers (20 miles) west of Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. Coimbatore, a major industrial city in southern India, is well connected by air, rail and road. Major airlines operate regular flights to Coimbatore from Chennai, Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore. Train services are available from all major cities in India.There are direct buses between Coimbatore and the Isha Yoga Center (view the timetable). Taxis can be booked from the airport as well as therailway station. Alternatively, contact the Yoga Center’s travel desk to book a taxi to the center. The desk is open 24 hours a dayPhone: 091-83000 83111

About Dhyanalinga
“Dhyana” in Sanskrit means meditation and “linga” means the form. Dhyanalinga is a profound meditative space that does not ascribe to any particular belief or faith, and requires no ritual, prayer or worship. A powerful and unique energy form, Dhyanalinga is a doorway to enlightenment and spiritual liberation. In the metaphysical sense, Dhyanalinga is a guru, offering spiritual seekers the opportunity to do spiritual practices in the utmost intimacy of a live guru, something traditionally available only to a few.

Though it has always existed in the yogic lore, there is no reference to a Dhyanalinga in the scriptures. It has always been the dream of many enlightened beings, but the complexities involved in its creation are such that it rarely materialized. The closest attempt to consecrate a Linga like this took place almost one thousand years ago in Bhopal, India. The process, though grand, failed in the final stages.

How to experience Dhyanalinga
Dhyanalinga has been created as a very powerful presence so that the vignanamaya kosha or etheric body of a person is touched just by being in its sphere. To experience the Dhyanalinga, sit and gaze at the linga for a few minutes. Then close your eyes, palms facing upwards, resting upon your lap.

The Dhyanalinga requires no pooja, prayer or worship. There is no need to concentrate or try to meditate. Just sitting silently for a few minutes is enough to make even those unaware of meditation experience a state of deep meditativeness. To be most receptive to the Dhyanalinga, the best way is to be there as an offering – to make an offering of oneself. Taking a dip in the Chandrakund or Suryakund before entering the Dhyanalinga can also help enhance one’s receptivity to the Dhyanalinga’s energies.

To maintain the silence and sanctity of the space, a bell rings every 15 minutes to indicate when you can enter and leave. Please stay for at least 15 minutes to allow yourself to experience the energies of Dhyanalinga.

Science & Mysticism
A Linga or perfect ellipsoid can be energized in various ways, to serve different purposes. It is one form that when energized, becomes a perennial storehouse of energy. The yogic science of making a Linga is based on this knowledge. Dhyanalinga is the distilled essence of yogic sciences.

In the Dhyanalinga, energy has been pushed to its highest point and locked through an intense process of prana prathistha¹. As Sadhguru describes it, the Linga form allows energy to be brought to the highest intensity at which it can still retain a form. Beyond that, it moves into formlessness.

The physical form of Dhyanalinga – the black granite stone – is just scaffolding for this energy form. Even if this were to be removed now, the energy form that exists there cannot be destroyed. It is eternally present and available to all.

Dhyanalinga was consecrated by Sadhguru on 24 June 1999, after three years of an intense process of prana pratishtha – a pure energy process wherein the energies of all seven chakras are raised to the peak and locked to prevent dissipation over time. On 23 November 1999, Dhyanalinga was offered to the world.

You can go close, make offering to the Dhyanalinga. You can sit and meditate next to the dhyanalinga.

How to Get There
The Isha Yoga Center is situated 30 kilometers (20 miles) west of Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. Coimbatore, a major industrial city in southern India, is well connected by air, rail and road. Major airlines operate regular flights to Coimbatore from Chennai, Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore. Train services are available from all major cities in India.There are direct buses between Coimbatore and the Isha Yoga Center (view the timetable). Taxis can be booked from the airport as well as therailway station. Alternatively, contact the Yoga Center’s travel desk to book a taxi to the center. The desk is open 24 hours a dayPhone: 091-83000 83111

About Dhyanalinga
“Dhyana” in Sanskrit means meditation and “linga” means the form. Dhyanalinga is a profound meditative space that does not ascribe to any particular belief or faith, and requires no ritual, prayer or worship. A powerful and unique energy form, Dhyanalinga is a doorway to enlightenment and spiritual liberation. In the metaphysical sense, Dhyanalinga is a guru, offering spiritual seekers the opportunity to do spiritual practices in the utmost intimacy of a live guru, something traditionally available only to a few.

Though it has always existed in the yogic lore, there is no reference to a Dhyanalinga in the scriptures. It has always been the dream of many enlightened beings, but the complexities involved in its creation are such that it rarely materialized. The closest attempt to consecrate a Linga like this took place almost one thousand years ago in Bhopal, India. The process, though grand, failed in the final stages.

How to experience Dhyanalinga
Dhyanalinga has been created as a very powerful presence so that the vignanamaya kosha or etheric body of a person is touched just by being in its sphere. To experience the Dhyanalinga, sit and gaze at the linga for a few minutes. Then close your eyes, palms facing upwards, resting upon your lap.

The Dhyanalinga requires no pooja, prayer or worship. There is no need to concentrate or try to meditate. Just sitting silently for a few minutes is enough to make even those unaware of meditation experience a state of deep meditativeness. To be most receptive to the Dhyanalinga, the best way is to be there as an offering – to make an offering of oneself. Taking a dip in the Chandrakund or Suryakund before entering the Dhyanalinga can also help enhance one’s receptivity to the Dhyanalinga’s energies.

To maintain the silence and sanctity of the space, a bell rings every 15 minutes to indicate when you can enter and leave. Please stay for at least 15 minutes to allow yourself to experience the energies of Dhyanalinga.

Science & Mysticism
A Linga or perfect ellipsoid can be energized in various ways, to serve different purposes. It is one form that when energized, becomes a perennial storehouse of energy. The yogic science of making a Linga is based on this knowledge. Dhyanalinga is the distilled essence of yogic sciences.

In the Dhyanalinga, energy has been pushed to its highest point and locked through an intense process of prana prathistha¹. As Sadhguru describes it, the Linga form allows energy to be brought to the highest intensity at which it can still retain a form. Beyond that, it moves into formlessness.

The physical form of Dhyanalinga – the black granite stone – is just scaffolding for this energy form. Even if this were to be removed now, the energy form that exists there cannot be destroyed. It is eternally present and available to all.




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You can go close, make offering to the Dhyanalinga. You can sit and meditate next to the dhyanalinga.

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How To Get There

The Isha Yoga Center is situated 30 kilometers (20 miles) west of Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. Coimbatore, a major industrial city in southern India, is well connected by air, rail and road. Major airlines operate regular flights to Coimbatore from Chennai, Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore. Train services are available from all major cities in India.

There are direct buses between Coimbatore and the Isha Yoga Center (view the timetable). Taxis can be booked from the airport as well as therailway station. Alternatively, contact the Yoga Center’s travel desk to book a taxi to the center. The desk is open 24 hours a day

Phone: 091-83000 83111