This is a Jeevasamadhi of Ramadevar Siddhar, one of revered 18 Siddhars from Tamil Nadu.
There is a place to sit and meditate next to the Jeevasamadhi. You can go into meditative states here effortlessly.
How to get there
The Jeevasamadhi is inside the Alagar Hills Reserve Forest. There is a trek trail behind the Rakkayi Amman temple, which is next to Pazhamudhircholai Murugan Temple. It takes around 2 hours trek through the forest up hill to reach the samadhi space in secluded place. There are arrow markings on the way pointing towards the samadhi place. The trek is bit risky to be explored alone. At the end of the trail, there is a huge rock. It is said that due to the energy of his mahasamadhi, the rock cracked and fell down closing the entrance of the cave where Ramadevar was meditating.
About Ramadevar Siddhar
Right from his early stage, he used to be a devotee of Sivashakthi. He himself states in his work Ramadevar Vaidya Kaviyam how he was blessed by Yoga-Sakthi Manonmani: “Having realized the magnanimity and greatness of Guru and having worshiped Sivashakthi, and having attained the benefits thereof, I took upon myself the celebrated state of supreme absorptive consciousness knows as sancara-samadhi (a deeply absorbed state, in which the Siddha moves about freely in space). When I was roaming through all the eight directions, I saw a sacred place and realized its nada aspects. I was graciously endowed with the essential nature of Mother Manonmani. With Her heart full of abounding love, She called me to Her side and endowed me with the everlasting truthful Jnana. Thereupon, I was able to regain my own essential form.”
Ramadevar Siddhar lived in the port town of Nagapattinam. Once, he was gifted with a Shiva Linga through the grace of Lord Kasi Vishwanath, during one of his visits. He invoked the vibrant presence of Kasi Vishwanath upon the Linga and consecrated it at Nagapattinam, where he worshiped the Lord daily. At that time, Nagapattinam was a well-known harbor, frequented by Arab merchants. These merchants invoked in Ramdevar an intense desire to become close to them. With this thought one day he was seated in deep meditation in Nagapattinam; but when he woke up from his meditation he found himself in the Arab country! He realized that he was able to reach that place through sancara-samadhi. Though initially he was harassed, Ramadevar was able to win over the confidence of the Arabs who also insisted that he be converted to Islam. Even as an Arab he worshiped nabigal nayagam, the messenger of Allah in mecca and got his blessings and compiled his works on Siddha medicine, Siddha Yoga and Siddha Jnana philosophies.
Being attired in the style of Arabs, Ramadevar (now Jacob) moved freely with the local people. Some Arabs even became his disciples. It is said that Ramadevar lost himself in samadhi for 40 years in Mecca. Emerging from Samadhi with the drizzling effulgent form and getting directive from the great Siddha alchemist Bogar, he returned to Tamil Nadu from Mecca and stayed in Sathuragiri hills and translated his works to Tamil from Arabic. In his works, Ramadevar deals a variety of subjects: the secrets of Siddha science, the importance of kumbhaka, significance of Beeja Mantra, the ten initiations (Diksha) and so forth. The wordings and use of language in his works enables readers to easily understand about the Siddha medicine system. His works also answers the question “How to awaken kundalini energy and bring it up step-wise?”. He finally attained Jeeva Samadhi at Alagar Malai in Madurai. It is such a great privilege that we here have the opportunity to present some works of this great siddhar.
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