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Tat Wale Baba Samadhi, Rishikesh, Uttarakhand

This is a samadhi of Tat Wale Baba.

There is a place to sit and meditate. You can go into meditative states here effortlessly.

How to Get there
The Samadhi is located 4.5 kms East of Rishikesh train station.


About Tat Wale Baba

Rishikesh’s Great Saint, Sri Tatwale Baba. This Saint lived in the cave on the forest hillside facing the Ganga with His disciples. These caves are lockated in Swargashram area near public road and known as Bhutnath Gufa: Shiva Caves. The disciples called themselves yogis. Followers have traveled from India and all other countries to visit Sri Tatwale Baba. Even the Great Yogi Maharishi who was spiritual teacher of the famous British rock band, the Beatles, called Sri Tatwale his Teacher.

This great teacher, Sri Tatwale Baba was very tall, nearly two meters in height, and as strong as an elephant. Alone he could carry heavy stones, but he was balanced by his unexpectedly soft voice, like a child. His clothing was the same for summer or winter, a thin piece of fabric. On rare occasions he used sackcloth to protect himself from rain and winter cold. He derives his name from the wearing of this sackcloth: Tatwale literally means “wearing sackcloth”. His age was difficult to determine: his appearance was of a 30 year old man when rumors suggested he was close to 100 years of age. Pilgrims reported that is was enough just to sit near Sri Tatwale Baba and many forms of diseases and problems would disappear. He and His disciples were searching Truth by practicing Yoga and Meditation. They worked very diligently to change the hillside, making terraces, bathing places and transform caves into dwelling and meditating spaces. These changes were evoked through their combined cosmic energy.

Tat Wale Baba was born of spiritual parents who were middle-class farmers in Punjab, India. Tat Wale Baba received little formal education, spending most of his early childhood assisting his parents with farm work. At about the age of eight or nine years Tat Wale Baba’s innate spiritual nature led him to begin meditating. This he did ardently whenever time permitted between chores. As he grew into his teenage years Tat Wale Baba took on a mesomorphic stature. Because of his physical prowess his friends encouraged him to join the Army, which he did. He did not like military life. Therefore, after just two months of military service he left and sought the reclusive, sadhu life-style for himself. His search for a guru to guide him was fulfilled when he met Sri Jagannath Dasji at Ayodhya. This guru named him Sri Mahavir Dash Ji. However, later, when Tat Wale Baba started wearing jute people called him Tat Wale, meaning “one who wears jute.” The sobriquet stuck.

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Saint’s, Yogi

This is a samadhi of Tat Wale Baba.

There is a place to sit and meditate. You can go into meditative states here effortlessly.

How to Get there
The Samadhi is located 4.5 kms East of Rishikesh train station.


About Tat Wale Baba

Rishikesh’s Great Saint, Sri Tatwale Baba. This Saint lived in the cave on the forest hillside facing the Ganga with His disciples. These caves are lockated in Swargashram area near public road and known as Bhutnath Gufa: Shiva Caves. The disciples called themselves yogis. Followers have traveled from India and all other countries to visit Sri Tatwale Baba. Even the Great Yogi Maharishi who was spiritual teacher of the famous British rock band, the Beatles, called Sri Tatwale his Teacher.

This great teacher, Sri Tatwale Baba was very tall, nearly two meters in height, and as strong as an elephant. Alone he could carry heavy stones, but he was balanced by his unexpectedly soft voice, like a child. His clothing was the same for summer or winter, a thin piece of fabric. On rare occasions he used sackcloth to protect himself from rain and winter cold. He derives his name from the wearing of this sackcloth: Tatwale literally means “wearing sackcloth”. His age was difficult to determine: his appearance was of a 30 year old man when rumors suggested he was close to 100 years of age. Pilgrims reported that is was enough just to sit near Sri Tatwale Baba and many forms of diseases and problems would disappear. He and His disciples were searching Truth by practicing Yoga and Meditation. They worked very diligently to change the hillside, making terraces, bathing places and transform caves into dwelling and meditating spaces. These changes were evoked through their combined cosmic energy.

Tat Wale Baba was born of spiritual parents who were middle-class farmers in Punjab, India. Tat Wale Baba received little formal education, spending most of his early childhood assisting his parents with farm work. At about the age of eight or nine years Tat Wale Baba’s innate spiritual nature led him to begin meditating. This he did ardently whenever time permitted between chores. As he grew into his teenage years Tat Wale Baba took on a mesomorphic stature. Because of his physical prowess his friends encouraged him to join the Army, which he did. He did not like military life. Therefore, after just two months of military service he left and sought the reclusive, sadhu life-style for himself. His search for a guru to guide him was fulfilled when he met Sri Jagannath Dasji at Ayodhya. This guru named him Sri Mahavir Dash Ji. However, later, when Tat Wale Baba started wearing jute people called him Tat Wale, meaning “one who wears jute.” The sobriquet stuck.

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Saint’s, Yogi




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You can sit and meditate. You can go into meditative states here effortlessly.

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How To Get There

The Samadhi is located 4.5 kms East of Rishikesh train station.