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Manamaiju Ajima, Manamaiju, Kathmandu, Nepal

This is a consecrated temple of Manamaiju Ajima at Manamaiju. You can make offerings and go close to the Devi. There is space to sit and meditate. You can go into meditative states effortlessly here.

How to get there
This temple is located at Tarakeswar, 5 kms north of Kathmandu.


About Manamaiju Ajima
Once there lived a hunter in a forest. One day, after a daylong useless effort, he found a deer on the way back home. He chased the deer in order to hunt, and managed to injure it. The injured deer fell near a shrine by chance. The hunter heard the dear make a wish of revenge against him in the next birth after drinking sacred water.

In his next birth, the deer got birth as a tiger in Sabutak Hill, whereas the hunter took rebirth as a boar in the same hill. In their play, they came to meet one another once. The tiger ran towards the boar to take revenge. There was a great fight between them. Eventually, after a long fight, they died drinking the same sacred water. At the time of death, they made a wish to be born as sons of God. They took rebirth in heaven and Lord Indra asked reasons for their arrival in heaven. On knowing the importance of the sacred water, Lord Indra himself came down to the place for the same religious act.

At the same time, a girl was found in penance, wishing to have Lord Indra as her husband. She had not got married due to her ugly face, though her sisters had already been married. Being insulted and ignored, the girl told others that her husband would be none other than Lord Indra. Indra came to see the girl still in penance. Knowing the fact that Lord Indra had come to her— guised into a man—, she converted herself into a beautiful girl.

Lord Indra too changed himself into a common man to coax the girl. He wanted to know about the girl. The girl said, “My name is Manamayaju. I live nearby. Welcome to my house.”

Fascinated, Lord Indra spent the night at the girl’s. Next day he revealed the secrecy that he was Lord Indra, the king of heaven. He also said, he won’t be able to take her to heaven, but whoever took bath in the sacred pond and dovoted to Triratna could go to heaven as mentioned in Swayambhu Puran. (Bishwabhumi Sukrabar Tapasau, Nepal Sambat 1113 Analathwa 11).

Due to the strong impact of the penance of that girl, Lord Indra managed a place for her after naming her Manamayaju. She received a blessing that whoever worshipped her would have his or her wish fulfilled.  The name ‘Manamayaju’ changed into the popular name ‘Manamaiju’.

In Newar community, ‘Manamayaju’ means a goddess with special power to fulfill any wish. The archives indicate that the religious procession of this goddess was started by Gunakamadev, a king of the Lichchhavi dynasty.

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This is a consecrated temple of Manamaiju Ajima at Manamaiju. You can make offerings and go close to the Devi. There is space to sit and meditate. You can go into meditative states effortlessly here.

How to get there
This temple is located at Tarakeswar, 5 kms north of Kathmandu.


About Manamaiju Ajima
Once there lived a hunter in a forest. One day, after a daylong useless effort, he found a deer on the way back home. He chased the deer in order to hunt, and managed to injure it. The injured deer fell near a shrine by chance. The hunter heard the dear make a wish of revenge against him in the next birth after drinking sacred water.

In his next birth, the deer got birth as a tiger in Sabutak Hill, whereas the hunter took rebirth as a boar in the same hill. In their play, they came to meet one another once. The tiger ran towards the boar to take revenge. There was a great fight between them. Eventually, after a long fight, they died drinking the same sacred water. At the time of death, they made a wish to be born as sons of God. They took rebirth in heaven and Lord Indra asked reasons for their arrival in heaven. On knowing the importance of the sacred water, Lord Indra himself came down to the place for the same religious act.

At the same time, a girl was found in penance, wishing to have Lord Indra as her husband. She had not got married due to her ugly face, though her sisters had already been married. Being insulted and ignored, the girl told others that her husband would be none other than Lord Indra. Indra came to see the girl still in penance. Knowing the fact that Lord Indra had come to her— guised into a man—, she converted herself into a beautiful girl.

Lord Indra too changed himself into a common man to coax the girl. He wanted to know about the girl. The girl said, “My name is Manamayaju. I live nearby. Welcome to my house.”

Fascinated, Lord Indra spent the night at the girl’s. Next day he revealed the secrecy that he was Lord Indra, the king of heaven. He also said, he won’t be able to take her to heaven, but whoever took bath in the sacred pond and dovoted to Triratna could go to heaven as mentioned in Swayambhu Puran. (Bishwabhumi Sukrabar Tapasau, Nepal Sambat 1113 Analathwa 11).

Due to the strong impact of the penance of that girl, Lord Indra managed a place for her after naming her Manamayaju. She received a blessing that whoever worshipped her would have his or her wish fulfilled.  The name ‘Manamayaju’ changed into the popular name ‘Manamaiju’.

In Newar community, ‘Manamayaju’ means a goddess with special power to fulfill any wish. The archives indicate that the religious procession of this goddess was started by Gunakamadev, a king of the Lichchhavi dynasty.

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You can make offerings and go close to the Devi. There is space to sit and meditate. You can go into meditative states effortlessly here.

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How To Get There

This temple is located at Tarakeswar, 5 kms north of Kathmandu.