This is a place where Humkara was in Sadhana. There is a place to sit and meditate inside the cave at once. You can go into meditative states here effortlessly. Humkara was a disciple of Padmashambhava, Guru Rinpoche.
Humkara’s Cave is the central place of pilgrimage in Devghat for Buddhists. This cave was recognized by Kyapjé Chatral Rinpoché as the site of Humkara’s practice. Hindu devotees know it as the Sita Cave, where Valmiki led the Goddess Sita to reunite with her beloved Ram.
How to Get there
The cave is located at holy place of Devghat, towards the Tribeni. The Cave is located 6 km North of Narayagarh, Bharatpur. Local buses are available from Narayangarh to Devghat bridge. It is located just below the Vashisth Cave.
About Humkara
Humkara (Skt. Hūṃkāra; Tib. ཧཱུྃ་ཀ་ར་, ཧཱུྃ་མཛད་, Wyl. hUM ka ra or hUM mdzad) — one of the eight vidyadharas of India; he received the Shri Heruka (Tib. Yangdak Heruka) tantra from the Kagyé cycle.
Guru Padmasambhava and Princess Mandarava travelled throughout India, until their eventual return to Nepal. Mandarava arrived first, settling in the area of Ngatupchen, where she entered into retreat. When the Mahaguru arrived, Mandarava introduced him to a girl named Dakini. At that time, he also met a young boy named Ratna. Dakini was destined to become the great yogini Kalasiddhi, and Ratna the powerful vidyadhara Humkara. Both would play a vital role in laying the foundations for Vajrayana practice in Tibet. All this began humbly in Nepal’s land of weavers.
The Pema Kathang leads us to the lowlands of southern Nepal in our journey to Ngatupchen, Land of Drummers. In recent times, Kyapjé Chatral Rinpoché recognized Ngatupchen to be an area on the borders of the Tanahun and Chitwan districts, at the confluence of the Kali Gandaki and Trisuli rivers, where the hills of Mahabharat meet the Terai plains. In particular, Rinpoché specified the Sita cave near the rivers’ confluence, surrounded by hills of tropical forest, as the meditation cave of the vidyadhara Humkara.